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    Addressing Online Attacks as a Vector for Money Laundering

    When paired with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) systems, tools like network intrusion detection can block cyberattacks before they turn into money laundering.

    Sharing real-time data between cybersecurity and AML systems is important for stopping fraud quickly. By monitoring the dark web and using insights from cybersecurity teams, AML systems can keep up with new tactics criminals use.

    Both small institutions, like credit unions, and large companies, like Microsoft, need strong AML and cybersecurity defenses to protect against online threats and meet AML compliance requirements. As technology improves with time, integrating these systems to prevent fraud and remain within regulations is more important than ever.


    • Kennedy Meda, Fraud Prevention Manager, SME at Deseret First Credit Union
    • Cynthia Colbert, Global Sr. Manager, Partner Development, Security, GPSI at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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