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    Difference in EU and US Sanctions Programs – How It Impacts Compliance?

    There is a frequently raised provocative question: after years of effort, has anti-money laundering stopped money launderers? In AML Watcher’s webinar, Stephanie Broekaart, Founder at Megara Compliance, and Georgina Demetriades, an AML Advisor discuss why the financial sector bears the brunt of compliance responsibilities, while other industries lag in risk screening—rendering AML rules less effective.

    Today, compliance often feels like a box-ticking exercise rather than a true risk assessment. Proper evaluation should involve using reliable databases that can distinguish between sanctioned entities and compliant ones.


    Stephanie Broekaart, Founder – Megara Compliance 

    Georgina Demetriades, AML Advisor

    Mark Bain, AML Watcher

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