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Knowledge Base

Everything you need to know about AML Screening!

AML/CFT Compliance

Financial institutions must ensure that the money from crime does not pass through their services. Financial institution...

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Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

The BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) is a United States act that helps prevent money laundering by involving financial institution...

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Due DIligence

Due diligence is a process financial institutions use to conduct in-depth screening as part of the onboarding process....

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Employee Background checks

Employee background checks are an important part of the onboarding process, where companies must conduct background eval...

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Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a global organization that forms rules and recommendations internationally to ...

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Grey list

The FATF maintains a grey list for the countries with strategic deficiencies in their (AML/CFT) measures and is working ...

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HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)

The main goal of the HMRC is to help people comply with the tax laws and make it difficult for criminals to evade the sy...

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International leakes Database

The international leaks database helps authorities and organizations identify suspects, which further helps find hidden ...

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A kleptocracy refers to a state or a government exploiting the country's resources through corruption and using power to...

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Loan Fraud

The act of purposefully giving incorrect information or misleading facts in order to get a loan from a financial organiz...

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Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)

MLRO, meaning, which stands for Money Laundering Reporting Officer is responsible for reporting suspicious transactions...

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National Crime Agency (NCA)

The National Crime Agency (NCA) of the UK law enforcement agency is responsible for the dismantling of organized crime n...

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Ongoing Monitoring

The process for analyzing and reviewing the customer's activities and financial transactions to prevent and detect money...

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Ponzi Scheme

Charles Ponzi is the inspiration behind the name of Ponzi schemes. Ponzi claimed to be selling worldwide mail coupons in...

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Romance Scam

Romance scams are a global phenomenon that causes billions of dollars to be lost annually....

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Suspicious Activity Reports(SAR)

Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) is designated to assist financial organizations in monitoring and investigating illegal...

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Transaction Laundering

A form of money laundering where illegal merchants process illicit funds through legitimate online platforms like e-comm...

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United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

UNODC is a global organization established in 1997 to fight against organized crime, terrorism, corruption, and drugs....

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Vendor Screening

Vendor screening is the critical process of evaluating the potential vendor before engaging in a business relationship....

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A list of pre-approved entities of customers, vendors, and financial institutions considered low risk for financial crim...

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